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Limited Liability Company
$750 , plus filing fees
What is included:
Legal advise on pros & cons of forming an LLC
Name search and name reservation
Preparation and filing of Organizational Documents
Obtaining of Federal Tax ID
Assigning of a Registered Agent Number
"LLC Kit" that includes: (1) membership certificates (2) standard governing documents (3) and LLC stamp
C Corp or S Corp
$750, plus filing fees
What is included:
Legal advise on pros & cons of forming a C Corp vs. a S Corp.
Name search and name reservation
Preparation and filing of Incorporation Documents
Obtaining of Federal Tax ID
Assigning of a Registered Agent Number
"Corp Kit" that includes: (1) membership certificates (2) standard governing documents (3) and Corporate stamp
Limited Liability Partnership
$750, plus filing fees
What is included:
Legal advise on pros & cons of forming an LLP
Name search and name reservation
Preparation and filing of Organizational Documents
Obtaining of Federal Tax ID
Assigning of a Registered Agent Number
"LLP Kit" that includes: (1) membership certificates (2) standard governing documents (3) an LLP stamp
This Packages do not include:
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